Thursday, April 29, 2010

A Cardinal Story

I've had marvelous opportunities lately to fight unbelief, loneliness, frustration, and fear. God reminded today of his faithfulness. As I drove down the road a bright red cardinal flew across the front of my van. I smiled as that one little bird brought up a wellspring of faith.

I thought back about 10 years ago when I was experiencing a very down time. Although I always knew the Lord was with me, I desperately needed a tangible sign that He had heard my prayers. I asked him to please send a cardinal to my tiny back yard that day to confirm His presence in my life. I had never even seen a cardinal in that area before but I dared to ask. A couple of hours later, I was washing dishes and I looked out the window. Hopping across the grass was the most beautiful cardinal I had ever seen. I just dropped to my knees and cried because God had shown himself to me.

Fast forward about 7 years, I was going through another hard time. We were on the brink of losing our home and we could not see a way out. After getting the kids off to school one morning, I headed out to the back porch, sat at the patio table and read my Bible. I began to pray and then I lowered my head and began to sob. I must have been crying for 5-10 minutes and then I heard a loud "tweet tweet." I lifted up my head and on the tree branch right above my head were THREE cardinals standing in a row! I immediately stopped crying and just began to laugh. I KNEW without a shadow of a doubt that God would bring us through and HE DID!

Many times I have had stressful situations and I would look out and see a cardinal or a cardinal would fly beside my car. It's kind of like God's little sign to me. It's his way to say, "Hey, I'm thinking about you today. I love you. It's going to be okay. I'm with you." He showed me that again today. He is so good to me!

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